Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Epic Movie [2007]

The mother of all spoofs
From 2 of the 6 writers of "Scary Movie"
We Know It's Big. We Measured.

Genre: Adventure, Comedy

A comedic satire of films that are large in scope, reputation and popularity.

Great movie for relaxing. I enjoy it. It's one more stupid comedy, but stupid in a good way, just to let you brain relax. People don't like it because, again, it's a parody. Guys, if you are going to watch parody, be in parody mood. Don't expect some super smart comedy. 

Kal Penn (Edward), Jennifer Coolidge (White Bitch) and Fred Willard (Aslo)


Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer


Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Sly-Tones

Genre: Blues / Garage / Psychedelic
Location: BrightonLondon and South EastUnited Kingdom

The Sly-tones were drawn together by a common goal – to create something different.
This Brighton based five piece possess a wide range of influences from psychedelic 60’s to samba and drum ‘n bass all entwined in their music. The songs groove with a sinister air, retro yet contemporary. Old yet new. The sound is pulled together with raw and horny vocals, Edwards menacing, growling voice hollers tales of sex, drugs and politics. Ever wary of clichés, The Sly-tones’ take on children songs show how it is so easy to hide vulgarity under innocence.

The Sly-Tones are:
Ashley Edwards
Bradley Wescott
Carl Brothwood
Chip Phillips
Freddie Hills

Frankly, they're great. I like them. I was on their concert and they made a show. A real show. I love their songs and they are completely awesome. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Runaways [2010]

It's 1975 and they're about to explode.

Genre: Biography, Drama, Music

A coming-of-age biopic about '70s teenage band The Runaways.

Amazing movie. I, as The Runaways fan, was delighted. Again, movie is fantastic. If you like good music, watch it. Women can do everything, whatever somebody says.

Stars: Kristen Stewart (Joan Jett), Dakota Fanning (Cherie Currie) and Michael Shannon (Kim Fowley)

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cold Snap

Well, I haven't  seen any movie so I'll write about my favourite band - Cold Snap (Croatia).

Genre: groove metal

About them:
A Cold Snap, in the meteorological sense, is a sudden brief spell of intense cold and drought that often appears in Australia in spring. Cold Snap, in the musical sense, is a group of five friends from Croatia who determined their goal - sharing their music, thoughts and views with the whole world. 

It all started in spring 2003, the first demo CD "Mea Culpa" has been finished in the winter of 2005. Numerous gigs followed, including the performance at Metalcamp in Slovenia in 2006 and the performance at the ex-Yu metal battle in Serbia where Cold Snap represented Croatia and competed for the opportunity to play at Wacken Open Air festival in 2007. 

The first album "Empty Promises" was released in spring 2008. The acknowledgment for their efforts came in 2008, in form of the "Zlatna Koogla Award" for the best new Croatian act, which enabled their second show at Metalcamp in Slovenia and shows with the stars of Metal music such as Disturbed, Soulfly and Limp Bizkit. Cold Snap's desire to progress grew, and in accordance with it, they wanted to make the quality of their new songs as close to perfect as possible, and prepare themselves to enter the studio once again. Precisely, because of that Cold Snap decided to collaborate with Tue Madsen, a superb Metal producer (Moonspell, Hatesphere) who taught them a lot, and with the knowledge they gained an even stronger determination and professionalism. 

The band moved on to achieve their goal, with the support of MIG-music and the MK II record label. The result is the new album "Perfection", which is a tense masterpiece on an international level that will stand the test of time!

My thoughts:
So, I think this guys are absolutely great. I love their music, everytime I hear it, I just want to jump and just... Uh, I don't know. I feel so full of energy. I simply love them. It's first Croatian metal band (or any bend, actually) that is popular abroad. AND I met them. Really nice guys, full of joy and laugh.
I love their last album. Simply perfect. ;)

Even if I live in Croatia, I've never been on their concert. I want them to come in my town. Their concerts are absolutely great. I WANT IT! So, dear Cold Snap, come already in Bjelovar.

If you want to know more:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Vampires Suck [2010]

Some sagas just won't die.
From the guys who couldn't sit through another vampire movie!

Genre: Comedy

A spoof of vampire-themed movies, where teenager Becca finds herself torn between two boys. As she and her friends wrestle with a number of different dramas, everything comes to a head at their prom.

Just to be make this sure, I like vampires, but this is awesome movie. People don't like it because it's parody on Twilight, but it's freaking funny. I've wathed it with my friend and it was great. :)

Jenn Proske (Becca Crane), Matt Lanter (Edward Sullen), Diedrich Bader (Frank Crane), Chris Riggi (Jacob White (as Christopher N. Riggi))

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Be [2008]

Sometimes we all need a little help

Genre: Comedy, Drama

A young man having an existential crisis convinces a Canadian self-help guru to come to London and become his personal life coach.

This movie was boring. It's about nothing really. It was so boring that I don't remember what was all about. Not good movie.

Stars: Robert Pattinson (Art), Rebecca Pidgeon (Mother) and Powell Jones (Dr. Ellington)

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Breza (Slavko Kolar)

This is so fucking boring book. If you are not from Croatia, you are lucky for not having to read it. Anyway, here's essay for unlucky people here. (I wrote all by myself, not using the Internet)

Bilješka o piscu:
Slavko Kolar je rođen 1891. u Palešniku pored Garešnice, a djetinjstvom je vezan za taj kraj kao i zavičaj svoje majke (Moslavina). Najpoznatija književna djela su mu dvije antologijske knjigepripovjedaka “Ili jesmo - Ili nismo” (1933) i “Mi smo za pravicu” (1936). Vrijedi spomenuti da su u tim knjigama i antologijske Kolarove pripovjetke i to: “Svoga tijela gospodar”, “Breza”, “Kriza”, “Mi smo za pravicu” i dr.
Slavko Kolar je umro 1963. g. u Zagrebu.

Mišljenje o djelu:
Neću lagati, djelo mi se nije pretjerano svidjelo, no nije bilo jako loše. Nije mi se svidjelo jer sam bila ljuta kad sam ga čitala. Bila sam ljuta zbog toga kako su tlačili mladu Janicu i kako Marka nije bilo briga za nju, a ona ga je voljela. Osjećam krajnju nevjericu zbog toga kako su ljudi živjeli. Sva ta praznovjernost i neznanje su neprihvatljivi u okolini u kojoj ja živim, no znam da još uvijek toga ima u svijetu. Ljudi se moraju boriti protiv toga obrazovanjem.

Kratak život i preuranjena smrt mlade Janice. Njen muž Marko ne mari za nju, osam dana nakon sprovoda odlazi na svadbu gdje barjaktari. Na svadbi se napije i počne tučnjava, on pobjegne. Na putu kući ugleda brezu za koju je mislio da je Janica, te je odluči posjeći no na kraju odustaje.

Ništa ne ostavljaj za kasnije, tko zna hoće li biti vremena. Živi za trenutak, govori lijepe stvari ljudima, reci ono što misliš jer budućnost je nepredvidiva. Nikad ne možeš znati što će se dogoditi i ako počiniš pogrešku, ne čekaj dugo da je ispraviš. Nakon što vrijeme izmakne iz tvoje kontrole, bit ćeš nemoćan ispraviti svoje pogreške.

Mjesto radnje:
Selo Bikovac, Labudan-brdo
„…na Labudan-brdu u selu Bikovcu…“

Vrijeme radnje:
Između dva svjetska rata, otprilike između 1925. i 1928.
„Radnja novele događa se između dva svjetska rata, točnije između 1925. i 1928. kad je Kolar službovao u tom kraju, a izravan poticaj za pisanje ove novele je, kako je sam Kolar posvjedočio, molba jednog tamošnjeg lugara za nekoliko dana dopusta kako bi mogao ići u svatove, a prije nekoliko dana umrla mu je žena.“

Karakterizacija likova:
Visoka, fina, mršava, otmjenija od drugih cura, jako lijepa, ponosna, tužna, želi ozdraviti.
„Vidiš li kako je tanana, pa visoka, pa fina, kao breza! Upravo kao breza! Gotovo bih rekao otmjena pojava!...“
„Pa dok druge cure i snaše teško koračaju kao medvjedi, u njezinom hodu ima nešto ritma, možda čak i elegancije…
„Oči su joj plave, plavlje od jasnog neba, a za kosu rekoše neki da je crvenkasta, a neki da je zlatna ili pozlaćena. Svakako je izvrsno pristajala onim nasmijanim, malim usnicama.“
„ i ponosa zadrhtala. . . "
". . . neku od njih pogledala bi tužno. . . "
". . . u njoj je rasla silna, upravo divlja čežnja za ozdravljenjem"

Bezdušan, bilo ga je briga za Janicu. Njome se oženio samo zbog ugleda, misli samo na sebe i što drugi misle o njemu.
“Neki šumar, to jest sam gospodin nadšumar, Markov šef i bog bogova, kad je vidio Janicu još kao djevojku, sav se oduševio.
-To je cura! –Rekao je on. – Vidiš li kako je tanana, pa visoka, pa fina, kao breza! Upravo kao breza! Gotovo bih rekao; otmjena pojava!…”
“Bio je Marko čovjek služben, pa tako je valjda došlo te je izabrao baš Janicu za ženu. Da ugodi g. nadšumaru i da se pogizda pred drugom gospodom!”
“Lijepo ti je biti bolestan dva – tri dana, onako ko od šale, ali ležati četiri – pet tjedana na tvrdom krevetu, u neprestanoj i nepodnošljivoj žari, tako da se čovjeku pamet muti, kad utroba hoće od grčeva i boli da se iskida i izgori, e to je muka velika, jad golem! Pogotovu kad Marko kao da svega toga ne vidi. ”
“Njegov sin Marko stajao je u suši, duboko zamišljen, mučeći se sastavljanjem nove klopke za hvatanje tvoraca. Bio je to “patent”, kojim je mislio iznenaditi gospodina nadšumara, a možda steći i mnogo para.
Marko nije pačao u domaće poslove, pa se tako nije izjavio niti da dovezu daske za lijes niti protiv toga. Njemu je bilo svejedno. ”

Stilska izražajna sredstva:
Epitet – musava (djeca)
Personifikacija – pretužna kiša
Onomatopeja – lavež, šuškanje, brunda-brunda
Poredba – Janica kao breza
Metafora – grlo gori

 Kao što sam rekla, nisam koristila internet pa se nadam da će vam koristiti.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Black Swan [2010]

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller

A ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan.

Carla told me to watch this and I did. It's epic! Really, really, really great movie. I freakin' love it. If you didn't, you HAVE TO watch it. Everything in it is great. Natalie Portman, other actors, dance, dancers, music (backround) - everything.
You see, I always thought of ballet like elegant dance and I liked it, but I never could dance. I love watching it and this is one great movie to enjoy in.

Stars: Natalie Portman (Nina Sayers), Mila Kunis (Lily), Vincet Cassel (Thomas Leroy)

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